Author's posts

Who… Doctor Who….. (with apologies to 007) DRAFT

This week we picked a new Doctor. Not a new physician.  This was important!  A new ‘DOCTOR WHO!’ Well, let’s be frank.  “We” didn’t pick him.  Steven Moffat, head honcho in charge of the franchise (and savior or devil depending on your point of view), and his crew in merry ole England did.  We had …

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Lady, your 7 year old ain’t on Facebook!

First off, the following rant could apply just as easily to a dad as it does a mom.  It just happened that a mom inspired it. Ever get tired of the messages that appear on your computer screen aimed at someone who will never friggin SEE it? Say WHAT, you ask?  What is ELO rambling …

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I’m not like that, I’m ANDROID…

From 2015. OK, so yesterday I sort of “went off” on Facebook & Twitter because of a lady on a cell phone.  Even worse, HOLDING a cell phone.  I realize that sometimes its the ‘little things’ that get you going, and I also realize I’m in danger of becoming the Andy Rooney of my generation. …

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