Category: Lifestyle

I’m not like that, I’m ANDROID…

From 2015. OK, so yesterday I sort of “went off” on Facebook & Twitter because of a lady on a cell phone.  Even worse, HOLDING a cell phone.  I realize that sometimes its the ‘little things’ that get you going, and I also realize I’m in danger of becoming the Andy Rooney of my generation. …

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Shipping Containers.. How I adore thee!

I want to live in one. A shipping container.  Rather, a home MADE from shipping containers.  And no, you don’t move them around.  Despite being made from objects that are constantly ‘moving’, these are NOT ‘mobile homes’. Not familiar with this trend? It’s growing like crazy. People are taking shipping containers, (like the ones you …

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My best friends….

They’re my salvation.  And they’ve never abandoned me.. I’ve needed them so many times.  They’ve always been there.  No matter the problem.  No matter how little I have to offer them back, they’re there.  When I’m feeling down, which happens more often than I’d like, THEY can bring me up.  They never turn me down. …

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