Eddie Owen – R.I.P.

Rest In Peace Eddie Owen.

BootHillI didn’t know you.  But I followed you for years.

I don’t know what happened to you, but I hope it wasn’t anything major.  I hope you just had a bit of forgetfulness.

BTW, we’re talking the OTHER ‘Eddie Owen’.

If you started reading this thinking it was about me, sorry.  (Especially if you HOPED it was about me!)

A bit of history.  I’m a fan of URL’s.  You know.  Web addresses.  The things you type in that little open box at the top of the page that takes you to all those magical places on the web.  Sometimes for fun I play with a little availability engine I have that tells me whether certain URL’s are available.  (It is most disturbing when I enter some off the wall idea and discover that there are minds out there as strange and warped as mine!)

I bought my first web address years ago.  I don’t even remember the first one.  Since then, I’ve probably had 30 or 40, which for people who fool with these is a pretty small number.  From my active sites, to a number of them “on hold” for future projects.

Eddie Owen - Famous Yachtsman (not me)

Eddie Owen – Famous Yachtsman (not me)

But one I could never get.  EddieOwen dot com.  I remember checking early on and the let down feeling of knowing it wasn’t there.  Yes, another Eddie Owen had beaten me.  (I often wondered if it was the famous yachtsman of the same name….)

You see, I’ve been ‘Eddie’ to the people who’ve known me the longest.  ‘Ed’ or ‘Edward’ to a few, especially if you met me after I came of voting age.  Since I couldn’t have the ‘Eddie’ URL, I had an ‘Edward L Owen’ site.  I had an ‘Ed Owen’ site.   But ‘Eddie Owen’ remained elusive.  Until now.

Richard Gere as 'Edward Lewis'... (That's my name you know.... well, Louis)

Richard Gere as ‘Edward Lewis’… (That’s my name you know…. well, Louis. Just thrown in for the hell of it.)

One day last week I thought, “I’ll check again”.  Like I’d done dozens of times before.  I expected nothing.  To my shock it was available.  Ninety seconds later it belonged to me.

That was all the incentive it took me to reopen my long dormant blog.  Which you are reading.  I took some of the old stuff, updated it, redated it and started the site redesign.  It’s not complete.  Never will be.

I’ll keep you posted on what’s going on personally and professionally.  Sign up in the upper right corner and get email updates when I post.

I do hope nothing happened to the other Eddie Owen.  No tragedies, etc.  I just hope that for whatever reason the URL wasn’t renewed.
