Category: The Blogging Experience

Reliving my state by state travels… (or how to kill 30 minutes writing)

This was prompted from a Facebook posting.  Someone had charted out the states they’d visited and I got to wondering about how many states I’d been to.   Here’s my list with some thoughts about each one I’ve visited.  (Some states have thoughts best left to my own mind) The post that prompted this said …

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Eddie Owen – R.I.P.

Rest In Peace Eddie Owen. I didn’t know you.  But I followed you for years. I don’t know what happened to you, but I hope it wasn’t anything major.  I hope you just had a bit of forgetfulness. BTW, we’re talking the OTHER ‘Eddie Owen’. If you started reading this thinking it was about me, …

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9,863 days… (Thoughts on UK-UT 2011)

9,863 days… 1,409 weeks… 26 years… OK, if you know me at all, you probably wondered what I was alluding to with days and weeks, but the years part no doubt gave it away.   If you don’t know me, all will be answered in due time. I digress. This all started when I began …

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