Reliving my state by state travels… (or how to kill 30 minutes writing)

Where's Ed-O?

Where’s Ed-O?

This was prompted from a Facebook posting.  Someone had charted out the states they’d visited and I got to wondering about how many states I’d been to.  

Here’s my list with some thoughts about each one I’ve visited.  (Some states have thoughts best left to my own mind)

The post that prompted this said airports don’t count, but you can do it any way you like.  I included them.  Only gave me one extra anyway.


Alabama – Pressbox at ‘Bama is like a museum

Alaska –

Arizona – Hotel had barbershop quarter convention going on. (Noisy)

Arkansas – Flew there for job prospect. Interviewer was a no show. Got free lunch.

California – Greatest dinner experience of my life one night. (plus Disneyland)

Colorado – Sign on a casino “Dunkin Donuts with jackpot!”

Connecticut –

Delaware – Drove through it after picking up a car in Baltimore.  The car barely lasted longer than my time in Deleware..

Florida – Must you even ask?

Georgia – Ahh.. the old double barrelled cannon in Athens


Hawaii – Most beautiful hotel I ever stayed in.  (since torn down)

Idaho –

Illinois – Bought a model Batmobile in Rock Island as a child

Indiana – Used to pass some big popcorn place on way to Bloomington

Iowa – I was a kid.  I remember corn.

Kansas – Remember wondering if I’d ever see civilization again.

One time... in Kansas....

One time… in Kansas….

Kentucky – Go Big Blue!!!

Louisiana – Cab ride from hell with Jack Hanna

Maine –

Maryland – Bad memories. Need a follow up trip to establish good ones.

Massachusetts –

Michigan – Two weekends in a row Northwest stranded me in Detroit

Minnesota – You could see your breath in August

Mississippi – ‘Bozo the Clown’ at the Mississippi State Fair

Missouri – Cardinals, bay-beeeeee!

Montana – They sold Unabomber T shirts in the airport

Nebraska –

Nevada – Vegas, Reno!!!  (and I don’t even gamble)

New Hampshire –

New Jersey – Caught a TD pass at the Meadowlands! (on top of Jimmy Hoffa)

New Mexico – Best chili beans I have ever eaten! (or expect to eat)

New York – World Trade Center, Empire State Bldg, Statue of Liberty all in a day

North Carolina – Ate alligator. First and only time.

North Dakota –

Ohio – Went to Cincy night the Reds won the World Series in ’75.  EPIC!

Oklahoma – Cowboy Hall of Fame

Oregon – Fools visiting fools

Pennsylvania – Attempted landing on a mountaintop in winter; runway not visible

Rhode Island –

South Carolina – Moe Williams, 299 rushing, 427 all purpose yards (in the rain)

Moe Williams!!! (We're not worthy... we're not worthy....)

Moe Williams!!! (We’re not worthy… we’re not worthy….)

South Dakota –

Tennessee – Family Gatlinburg trips as a kid. Best ever.

Texas – Only time in my life I went to a ‘line dancing bar’

Utah – Great Salt Lake would NOT be my reason for going there.

Vermont –

Virginia – Drove from DC home through there. Pretty place.

Washington –

West Virginia –

Wisconsin – I was a kid, but I remember a cow or ten million….

Wyoming –

Summary findings.  Eight is the average I’m told.  I have 35.  (Not counting Delaware)

Other thoughts:

  • I need a trip to New England to up my numbers
  • Best french fries of my life came from some little snack bar in Exton, PA.
  • The ‘Frog Pond Lounge’ in Athens, Georgia was the best time EVER!
  • Every time I hear ‘Wild Thing’ by Tone Loc, I’m taken back to a bar in Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Great elevator rides – Casey Kasem (and his hot wife!), Snake Stabler, Mike Love, Fran Tarkenton
  • I received a phone call in the 80’s from either Tommy Boyce or Bobby Hart, and for the life of me I don’t know which one it was.  (RIP Tommy Boyce)